详细信息 举报




|--Module 9-9.pdf-文件大小:412.77 KB

|--Module 9-8.pdf-文件大小:242.68 KB

|--Module 9-7.pdf-文件大小:540.14 KB

|--Module 9-6.pdf-文件大小:500.03 KB

|--Module 9-5.pdf-文件大小:408.44 KB

|--Module 9-4.pdf-文件大小:322.84 KB

|--Module 9-3.pdf-文件大小:266.34 KB

|--Module 9-2.pdf-文件大小:278.16 KB

|--Module 9-1.pdf-文件大小:218.38 KB

|--10 - 9 - (9) The Mission and Message (Emotional Appeals) (10-03).srt-文件大小:17.23 KB

|--10 - 9 - (9) The Mission and Message (Emotional Appeals) (10-03).mp4-文件大小:12.96 MB

|--10 - 8 - (8) The Mission and Message (Rational Appeals) (13-55).srt-文件大小:24.53 KB

|--10 - 8 - (8) The Mission and Message (Rational Appeals) (13-55).mp4-文件大小:19.29 MB

|--10 - 7 - (7) The 7Ms (9-08).srt-文件大小:16.50 KB

|--10 - 7 - (7) The 7Ms (9-08).mp4-文件大小:10.52 MB

|--10 - 6 - (6) Horizontal Conflict (12-46).srt-文件大小:21.02 KB

|--10 - 6 - (6) Horizontal Conflict (12-46).mp4-文件大小:17.10 MB

|--10 - 5 - (5) Distribution Strategies 2- Channel Design (13-39).srt-文件大小:23.52 KB

|--10 - 5 - (5) Distribution Strategies 2- Channel Design (13-39).mp4-文件大小:14.33 MB

|--10 - 4 - (4) Distribution Strategies 1- Introduction (13-38).srt-文件大小:23.50 KB


|--splayer_hanged_2437_4oz8b3.dmp-文件大小:95.73 KB

|--Module 8-8.pdf-文件大小:267.35 KB

|--Module 8-7-II.pdf-文件大小:115.47 KB

|--Module 8-6.pdf-文件大小:10.49 MB

|--Module 8-5.pdf-文件大小:638.86 KB

|--Module 8-4.pdf-文件大小:139.11 KB

|--Module 8-3.pdf-文件大小:82.14 KB

|--Module 8-2.pdf-文件大小:53.55 KB

|--Module 8-1-II.pdf-文件大小:1.57 MB

|--9 - 8 - (8) More Examples of Influence - Part 2 (12-34).srt-文件大小:23.07 KB

|--9 - 8 - (8) More Examples of Influence - Part 2 (12-34).mp4-文件大小:17.25 MB

|--9 - 7 - (7) More Examples of Influence (8-42).srt-文件大小:15.39 KB

|--9 - 7 - (7) More Examples of Influence (8-42).mp4-文件大小:8.52 MB

|--9 - 6 - (6) Elements of Neighborhoods and Examples (13-47).srt-文件大小:23.14 KB

|--9 - 6 - (6) Elements of Neighborhoods and Examples (13-47).mp4-文件大小:16.58 MB

|--9 - 5 - (5) Influence and How Information Spreads (11-02).srt-文件大小:19.59 KB

|--9 - 5 - (5) Influence and How Information Spreads (11-02).mp4-文件大小:14.48 MB

|--9 - 4 - (4) Product Life Cycle (3-29).srt-文件大小:5.70 KB

|--9 - 4 - (4) Product Life Cycle (3-29).mp4-文件大小:4.44 MB

|--9 - 3 - (3) Reputation and Reviews (14-38).srt-文件大小:24.84 KB


|--Module 7-9.pdf-文件大小:129.99 KB

|--Module 7-8.pdf-文件大小:127.10 KB

|--Module 7-7.pdf-文件大小:76.20 KB

|--Module 7-6.pdf-文件大小:47.41 KB

|--Module 7-5.pdf-文件大小:37.43 KB

|--Module 7-4.pdf-文件大小:32.99 KB

|--Module 7-3.pdf-文件大小:37.97 KB

|--Module 7-2.pdf-文件大小:73.08 KB

|--Module 7-10.pdf-文件大小:783.17 KB

|--8 - 9 - (9) How Internet Retailing Startups Grow (12-23).srt-文件大小:21.08 KB

|--8 - 9 - (9) How Internet Retailing Startups Grow (12-23).mp4-文件大小:56.48 MB

|--8 - 8 - (8) The Long Tail Part 2 (9-55).srt-文件大小:16.89 KB

|--8 - 8 - (8) The Long Tail Part 2 (9-55).mp4-文件大小:27.63 MB

|--8 - 7 - (7) The Long Tail Part 1 (10-58).srt-文件大小:19.21 KB

|--8 - 7 - (7) The Long Tail Part 1 (10-58).mp4-文件大小:29.89 MB

|--8 - 6 - (6) Online-Offline Competition (4-51).srt-文件大小:8.29 KB

|--8 - 6 - (6) Online-Offline Competition (4-51).mp4-文件大小:24.19 MB

|--8 - 5 - (5) Academic Research (3-28).srt-文件大小:5.77 KB

|--8 - 5 - (5) Academic Research (3-28).mp4-文件大小:12.34 MB

|--8 - 4 - (4) Goods and Information (2-39).srt-文件大小:4.13 KB


|--PF Week 6_p6.pdf-文件大小:36.96 KB

|--PF Week 6_p5.pdf-文件大小:35.81 KB

|--PF Week 6_p4.pdf-文件大小:338.47 KB

|--PF Week 6_p3.pdf-文件大小:37.90 KB

|--PF Week 6_p2.pdf-文件大小:217.33 KB

|--PF Week 6_p1.pdf-文件大小:324.81 KB

|--7 - 7 - (6) Conclusion (8-27).srt-文件大小:15.45 KB

|--7 - 5 - (5) Wrap-Up (12-25) .srt-文件大小:20.27 KB

|--7 - 5 - (5) Wrap-Up (12-25) .mp4-文件大小:36.99 MB

|--7 - 4 - (4) Customer Development Part II (14-02).srt-文件大小:22.09 KB

|--7 - 4 - (4) Customer Development Part II (14-02).mp4-文件大小:39.59 MB

|--7 - 3 - (3) Customer Development (3-07).srt-文件大小:4.54 KB

|--7 - 3 - (3) Customer Development (3-07).mp4-文件大小:8.77 MB

|--7 - 2 - (2) Customer Retention (18-24).srt-文件大小:29.72 KB

|--7 - 2 - (2) Customer Retention (18-24).mp4-文件大小:50.15 MB

|--7 - 1 - (1) How Can Customer Centricity Be Profitable- (19-02).srt-文件大小:30.73 KB

|--7 - 1 - (1) How Can Customer Centricity Be Profitable- (19-02).mp4-文件大小:53.85 MB


|--PF Week 5_p4.pdf-文件大小:39.56 KB

|--PF Week 5_p3.pdf-文件大小:27.34 KB

|--PF Week 5_p2.pdf-文件大小:1.02 MB

|--PF Week 5_p1.pdf-文件大小:26.48 KB

|--6 - 4 - (4) Questions on Customer Centricity (6-00).srt-文件大小:9.17 KB

|--6 - 4 - (4) Questions on Customer Centricity (6-00).mp4-文件大小:25.99 MB

|--6 - 3 - (3) More Reflections on Customer Centricity (3-21).srt-文件大小:5.19 KB

|--6 - 3 - (3) More Reflections on Customer Centricity (3-21).mp4-文件大小:17.70 MB

|--6 - 2 - (2) Living in a Customer-Centric World (14-48).srt-文件大小:23.89 KB

|--6 - 2 - (2) Living in a Customer-Centric World (14-48).mp4-文件大小:64.62 MB

|--6 - 1 - (1) What is Customer Centricity- (11-28).srt-文件大小:18.97 KB

|--6 - 1 - (1) What is Customer Centricity- (11-28).mp4-文件大小:47.92 MB


|--PF Week 4_p5.pdf-文件大小:25.52 KB

|--PF Week 4_p4.pdf-文件大小:127.19 KB

|--PF Week 4_p3.pdf-文件大小:28.76 KB

|--PF Week 4_p2_II.pdf-文件大小:35.63 KB

|--PF Week 4_p1.pdf-文件大小:317.98 KB

|--5 - 5 - (5) Which Firms Are Customer Centric- (12-11).srt-文件大小:19.63 KB

|--5 - 5 - (5) Which Firms Are Customer Centric- (12-11).mp4-文件大小:28.18 MB

|--5 - 4 - (4) Three Cheers for Direct Marketing (3-51).srt-文件大小:5.79 KB

|--5 - 4 - (4) Three Cheers for Direct Marketing (3-51).mp4-文件大小:15.53 MB

|--5 - 3 - (3) Data-Driven Business Models (4-26).srt-文件大小:6.58 KB

|--5 - 3 - (3) Data-Driven Business Models (4-26).mp4-文件大小:17.04 MB

|--5 - 2 - (2) Cracks in the Product-Centric Approach (9-49).srt-文件大小:15.26 KB

|--5 - 2 - (2) Cracks in the Product-Centric Approach (9-49).mp4-文件大小:19.52 MB

|--5 - 1 - (1) From Product-Centric to Customer-Centric Management (15-25).srt-文件大小:24.49 KB

|--5 - 1 - (1) From Product-Centric to Customer-Centric Management (15-25).mp4-文件大小:34.99 MB


|--BK Week 3_p6.pdf-文件大小:246.71 KB

|--BK Week 3_p5.pdf-文件大小:142.50 KB

|--BK Week 3_p4.pdf-文件大小:98.97 KB

|--BK Week 3_p3.pdf-文件大小:162.60 KB

|--BK Week 3_p2.pdf-文件大小:144.22 KB

|--BK Week 3_p1.pdf-文件大小:153.40 KB

|--4 - 6 - (6) Repositioning a Brand (18-58).srt-文件大小:29.60 KB

|--4 - 6 - (6) Repositioning a Brand (18-58).mp4-文件大小:47.36 MB

|--4 - 5 - (5) Brand Elements- Persuasion (13-59).srt-文件大小:21.61 KB

|--4 - 5 - (5) Brand Elements- Persuasion (13-59).mp4-文件大小:31.79 MB

|--4 - 4 - (4) Brand Elements- Packaging (10-09).srt-文件大小:15.92 KB

|--4 - 4 - (4) Brand Elements- Packaging (10-09).mp4-文件大小:30.38 MB

|--4 - 3 - (3) Brand Elements- Color & Taglines (11-41).srt-文件大小:18.43 KB

|--4 - 3 - (3) Brand Elements- Color & Taglines (11-41).mp4-文件大小:26.93 MB

|--4 - 2 - (2) Brand Elements- Choosing a Brand Name (19-57).srt-文件大小:33.55 KB

|--4 - 2 - (2) Brand Elements- Choosing a Brand Name (19-57).mp4-文件大小:25.08 MB

|--4 - 1 - (1) Brand Messaging & Communication (12-08).srt-文件大小:19.02 KB

|--4 - 1 - (1) Brand Messaging & Communication (12-08).mp4-文件大小:28.93 MB


|--BK Week 2_p6.pdf-文件大小:722.98 KB

|--BK Week 2_p5.pdf-文件大小:707.78 KB

|--BK Week 2_p4.pdf-文件大小:415.48 KB

|--BK Week 2_p3.pdf-文件大小:714.72 KB

|--BK Week 2_p2.pdf-文件大小:413.66 KB

|--BK Week 2_p1.pdf-文件大小:669.21 KB

|--3 - 6 - (6) Post-Purchase (11_23).srt-文件大小:17.28 KB

|--3 - 6 - (6) Post-Purchase (11-23).mp4-文件大小:25.18 MB

|--3 - 5 - (5) Purchase Stage (8_15).srt-文件大小:12.55 KB

|--3 - 5 - (5) Purchase Stage (8-15).mp4-文件大小:33.51 MB

|--3 - 4 - (4) Choice Overload (8_12).srt-文件大小:11.95 KB

|--3 - 4 - (4) Choice Overload (8-12).mp4-文件大小:20.50 MB

|--3 - 3 - (3) Information Search Stage (9_39).srt-文件大小:14.45 KB

|--3 - 3 - (3) Information Search Stage (9-39).mp4-文件大小:34.65 MB

|--3 - 2 - (2) Shopping Process (5_27).srt-文件大小:8.01 KB

|--3 - 2 - (2) Shopping Process (5-27).mp4-文件大小:22.74 MB

|--3 - 1 - (1) Shopper Marketing (4_22).srt-文件大小:6.46 KB

|--3 - 1 - (1) Shopper Marketing (4-22).mp4-文件大小:8.56 MB


|--BK Week 1_p6.pdf-文件大小:541.55 KB

|--BK Week 1_p5.pdf-文件大小:647.21 KB

|--BK Week 1_p4.pdf-文件大小:521.51 KB

|--BK Week 1_p3.pdf-文件大小:1.09 MB

|--BK Week 1_p2.pdf-文件大小:543.22 KB

|--BK Week 1_p1.pdf-文件大小:556.29 KB

|--2 - 9 - (6) Experiential Branding (13-24).srt-文件大小:21.51 KB

|--2 - 9 - (6) Experiential Branding (13-24).mp4-文件大小:35.30 MB

|--2 - 8 - (5) Brand Mantra- The Elevator Speech (9-41).srt-文件大小:15.66 KB

|--2 - 8 - (5) Brand Mantra- The Elevator Speech (9-41).mp4-文件大小:16.87 MB

|--2 - 7 - (4) Brand Positioning (12-48).srt-文件大小:20.15 KB

|--2 - 7 - (4) Brand Positioning (12-48).mp4-文件大小:18.54 MB

|--2 - 6 - (3) Segmentation and Targeting (12-45).srt-文件大小:20.08 KB

|--2 - 6 - (3) Segmentation and Targeting (12-45).mp4-文件大小:5.01 MB

|--2 - 4 - (2-b) [OPTIONAL] Strategic Marketing Flip Chart (11-05).srt-文件大小:16.73 KB

|--2 - 4 - (2-b) [OPTIONAL] Strategic Marketing Flip Chart (11-05).mp4-文件大小:24.22 MB

|--2 - 3 - (2-a) Strategic Marketing (11-39).srt-文件大小:18.06 KB

|--2 - 3 - (2-a) Strategic Marketing (11-39).mp4-文件大小:23.05 MB

|--2 - 2 - (1-b) Marketing 101- Building Strong Brands Part II (4-10).srt-文件大小:6.28 KB

|--2 - 2 - (1-b) Marketing 101- Building Strong Brands Part II (4-10).mp4-文件大小:10.72 MB


|--12 - 1 - Final Wrap-Up.mp4-文件大小:10.59 MB

|-Case Study

|--11 - 9 - Part 8 (1-28).srt-文件大小:2.33 KB

|--11 - 9 - Part 8 (1-28).mp4-文件大小:4.91 MB

|--11 - 8 - Part 7 (1-13).srt-文件大小:1.82 KB

|--11 - 8 - Part 7 (1-13).mp4-文件大小:4.13 MB

|--11 - 7 - Part 6 (3-19).srt-文件大小:4.92 KB

|--11 - 7 - Part 6 (3-19).mp4-文件大小:12.66 MB

|--11 - 6 - Part 5 (6-06).srt-文件大小:9.39 KB

|--11 - 6 - Part 5 (6-06).mp4-文件大小:14.60 MB

|--11 - 5 - Part 4 (2-27).srt-文件大小:3.70 KB

|--11 - 5 - Part 4 (2-27).mp4-文件大小:7.99 MB

|--11 - 4 - Part 3 (1-02).srt-文件大小:1.31 KB

|--11 - 4 - Part 3 (1-02).mp4-文件大小:3.31 MB

|--11 - 3 - Part 2 (2-23).srt-文件大小:3.57 KB

|--11 - 3 - Part 2 (2-23).mp4-文件大小:7.59 MB

|--11 - 2 - Part 1 (4-28).srt-文件大小:7.36 KB

|--11 - 2 - Part 1 (4-28).mp4-文件大小:15.21 MB

|--11 - 14 - Part 13 (4-49).srt-文件大小:9.28 KB

|--11 - 14 - Part 13 (4-49).mp4-文件大小:19.32 MB

|--11 - 13 - Part 12 (4-04).srt-文件大小:6.75 KB

|--11 - 13 - Part 12 (4-04).mp4-文件大小:17.49 MB

来源: 百度网盘
类型: 其它
文件大小: 未知
分享时间: 2015-04-30 23:36:22











|--Module 9-9.pdf-文件大小:412.77 KB

|--Module 9-8.pdf-文件大小:242.68 KB

|--Module 9-7.pdf-文件大小:540.14 KB

|--Module 9-6.pdf-文件大小:500.03 KB

|--Module 9-5.pdf-文件大小:408.44 KB

|--Module 9-4.pdf-文件大小:322.84 KB

未知 百度云 其它

Marketing, B2B Marketing, Landing, SEO WordPress Theme - Royal.zip

2.42MB 百度云 其它